昭和4 年に開業し、福岡方面からの耶馬溪観光客が降り立ちました。これにより耶馬溪への鉄道でのアクセスは玖珠側からも可能となりました。駅舎に接した単式ホーム1面1線と島式ホーム1面2線の合計2面3線を有する地上駅で、ホーム間は跨線橋で結ばれており、駅舎は三角屋根の木造建築となっています。数少ない木造建築の駅舎は、当時のものを改築しながら現在まで伝わっています。
豊後森駅 (ぶんごもりえき、Bungo-Mori Station)
観光地をつくる / 豊後森駅関連遺産
〒879-4403 大分県玖珠郡玖珠町帆足 Google Maps
The Bungo-Mori Station began operations in Showa 4 and would welcome tourists from the Fukuoka side coming to see Yabakei. The opening of this station made it possible to get to Yabakei by train from the Kusu side as well.
One track runs in front of the single platforms of the station, and two tracks run by the island platform, making three lines in total. The platforms are connected by an overpass, and the station is a wooden building with a tapered roof. It is one of the few remaining wooden stations, and has been carefully preserved to this day.
Bungo-Mori Station
The Making of a Tourist Destination / The heritage of Bungo-Mori Station, and related monuments
879-4403 Hoashi, Kusu, Kusu District, Oita Prefecture Google Maps