





























Next inspiration

> episode 2 岩石に神仏をみる

> episode 3 「羅漢の聖地」をつくる

> episode 4 風景を切り取る


Other content

> Story  >  episode 5,6

> Property  >  episode 7,8

Listen Intently to the Pulse of the Land

The Source of the Yamakuni River


Yabakei—a valley of strangely shaped rock formations. Therein lies an expansive and mysterious space formed by volcanoes, water, and wind. Visitors to the area can experience the overwhelming power of nature that far exceeds any human scale. Millions of years ago, the lava that burst through cracks in the earth swelled up, accumulated, and created layers. The water which welled up from Mt. Hiko carved through the earth and runs through countless valleys, and erosion caused by wind and rain continues to change the scenery of Yabakei even now.


A Grouping of Giant’s Kettles – Sarutobi-Sentsubo-kyo Ravine –


Ochiai Falls



A riverbed whose appearance was changed by lava due to the hot water of volcanic activity. The tempestuous flow caused rocks to whirlpool and created countless holes in the rocky surface. The water, filled to the brim with propylites, is a clear emerald green and reflects the green of the trees and shadows of fall leaves like a mirror. Sunlight filtering through the trees and the voices of spirits pour down into the valley. The flow of water along the monolithic valley floor eventually beats down the uneven riverbed and becomes a variety of waterfalls both large and small.


View of Ama-no-Iwato


Natural Stone Bridge Far Overhead – Furu-Rakan –



Water erodes rock along with wind. The steadily and incessantly dripping water droplets creep into cracks, and the wind shaves away the rock surface. The cuts in the rock eventually became large cavities, and, finally, formed a natural stone bridge. The formation looks as though it is a heavenly road stretching out far overhead on which only gods can tread.


A Mesa Mountain – Mt. Kirikabu –


A Vast Grouping of Stone Pillars – View of Taninokouchi –



The bulging tableland was eroded from the edges, causing a mesa mountain with a flat peak to appear. Countless vertical cracks run through lava here which rapidly cooled and hardened. Large rocks splintered and fell from these vertical crevices to create the majestic view of this grouping of stone pillars piercing the heavens.


Grouping of Stone Pillars Surrounded by Fall Leaves – Hitome-Hakkei (Eight Scenic Beauties at One View) –



The foot of the strangely shaped rock formations is covered by fall leaves and envelopes the people looking up at the formations in a solemn air of mystery. The enormous, mossy stones in the riverbed, the bridge stretching across the sky, the grouping of stone pillars—these are the handiwork of the gods. If you take time here to reflect on the activity of the earth repeated over and over from ancient times, you can still hear the pounding pulse of Yabakei even now.


Next inspiration

> episode 2 See Gods and Buddhas in the Rock

> episode 3 Creating the Sacred Place of the Rakan

> episode 4 Cutting Out the Scenery


Other content

> Story  >  episode 5,6

> Property  >  episode 7,8