※1:行者(ぎょうじゃ)=仏教や修験道の修行をする人 ※2:神仏習合(しんぶつしゅうごう)=日本古来の神様を信仰する神道と、外国からやってきた仏教がひとつになった宗教の考え方
※3:如意宝珠(にょいほうじゅ)=全ての物事を思い通りに叶えてくれるという仏教に伝わる宝の珠 ※4:八幡神(はちまんしん)=日本で信仰される神様の一人。大分県宇佐市の宇佐神宮が総本社。弓矢の神として武人からの信仰も集めた
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See Gods and Buddhas in the Rock
With a Resemblance to Acala – Fudouiwa –
Visitors to Yabakei see many megaliths and rocky peaks. For one thousand and several hundred years, visitors to Yabakei have felt an unwavering force of will from the shapes created by the earth there and, with fear and reverence, found the forms of gods and buddhas in those shapes. Fudouiwa, which takes the shape of Acala, Ama-no-Iwato, in which gods seem to appear—the rocky mountains of Yabakei are filled with a spiritual aura.
Temples Scattered Along Kyoshuho’s Sightseeing Trail – Myoken Cavern –
Round Caverns Lined up in a Row – Kyufukuji Temple –
These stone caverns with wide gaping entrances were once places of ascetic training for gyoja (*1). Gods and buddhas carved from sacred trees are enshrined in the temple buildings and have been watching over the people living at the foot of the mountains for a thousand years. The path of prayer established by gyoja who crossed over the peaks to make their rounds on sacred ground invite visitors into a mystical world even now.
The Object of Worship at Komo Jinja Shrine – Misumi-ike Pond –
Mt. Hachimen
Komo Jinja Shrine is the ancestral shrine of the Shinbutsu-Shugo (*2) deity Usa Hachiman. Yayama Jinja Shrine of Mt. Hachimen, which can be seen from the sacred lake where the torii gate stands, is also the rear shrine of Komo Jinja Shrine. Because of this, megaliths with legends surrounding the the deity Hachiman can be found scattered along the sacred mountain Mt. Hachimen.
Group of Megaliths From the Hachiman Legend – Wayo-ishi (Wayo Rock) –
The Mountains of Yabakei Seen From Mt. Hachimen
Over 1,000 years ago, the Nyoihoju (*3) obtained by the gyoja Horen at Mt. Hiko was stolen by Hachiman (*4). Horen chased Hachiman as he ran away and caught up with him atop Mt. Hachimen. Hachiman promised to grant a large temple to Horen in exchange for the Nyoihoju, and the two of them came to a wayo (amicable settlement) atop the towering boulder. Wayo-Ishi, which is in the shape of two megaliths united together, the “Kiniro-no-Takaishi” into which Hachiman is said to have transformed—one can’t help but feel the presence of gods and buddhas when gazing upon the megaliths and stone peaks enshrined in Yabakei.
*1: Gyoja – People who engage in Buddhist or Shugen-do ascetic practices
*2: Shinbutsu-Shugo – A religious way of thinking which combines Shinto, the ancient Japanese religious faith in kami (gods), and Buddhism, which came from foreign lands, into one single religion.
*3: Nyoihoju – A treasured jewel in Buddhism said to fulfill all of the wishes of the one who owns it just as they see fit
*4: Hachiman – One of the kami worshiped in Japan. His main shrine is Usa Jingu located in Usa City, Oita Prefecture. He also garnered worship from soldiers as the god of bows and arrows.
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> episode 1 Listen Intently to the Pulse of the Land
> episode 3 Creating the Sacred Place of the Rakan
> episode 4 Cutting Out the Scenery
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